
If you have ever heard the term VPN before and never learned what it is, or even never heard of it before, when it comes to your security on the internet, it may play a invaluable role. To learn more, watch the video below.

What is a VPN and why would I need one?

If you are looking to get started with your first VPN. A great brand to start with is Nord VPN. They are one of, if not the most trusted brand for internet information protection in the world. To get started, click below for a special offer from Smart Tech.

I've always heard of the term VPN and never really knew what it meant. I never really even cared to know because it sounded too techy for me to even start to learn about something like that. Then about a year ago something horrible happened that I didn't see coming. My bank account got hacked. This could have been absolutely devastating for me. Luckily I only had about $57 left in there because I was flat broke at the time. Thank God. But then I began to think.... What if I did have a lot of money in there? Would I ever get it back? What could I have done to avoid all of this in the first place? With all of these concerns rolling around in my head I decided to research what could've happened, and most importantly, how do I prevent this from happening again.

So if you are worried about the same lack of privacy, and susceptibility to hackers and companies that want your information and data that I am, I made this article for you to learn what I have learned. To start, all of our devices that we use on a normal basis have what's called an "IP address". IP stands for "Internet Protocol". This number can give hackers access to things like your location, what you are searching for on your device, and even more terrifying, if a hacker knows your IP Address, they can launch cyber attacks that could even take over your phone or computer and steal your information.